Indoor AIRepair at Home, School, and Play: Spanish Version

Indoor AIRepair at Home, School, and Play: Spanish Version

¿Sabía que cada respiración que toma contiene millones de partículas de polvo, alérgenos, químicos, contaminantes y otras moléculas diminutas? ¡Es cierto! Los estudios de la Agencia de Protección Ambiental (EPA) muestran que los niveles de contaminantes dentro de las...
Indoor AIRepair at Home, School & Play: English Version

Indoor AIRepair at Home, School & Play: English Version

Did you know that every breath you take contains millions of particles of dust, allergens, chemicals, pollutants and other tiny molecules? It is true! The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) studies show that pollutant levels inside homes and buildings can be 2-5x...